Lita Sari Muchlis, Fadriati Fadriati


Learning in Higher Education demands the use of Information Technology in optimizing the achievement of visions that are relevant to current demands. Implementation of various learning models has been carried out, but has not been able to achieve satisfactory results. Data on student learning outcomes in general shows that the achievement of competencies in all aspects of learning outcomes has not been optimal. This is caused by learning models that are still conventional and have not been able to motivate students to get better learning outcomes. One learning model that is able to overcome this problem is the mobile Learning Management System (LMS) model. The purpose of using LMS learning is to expand the access of the education community through the use of information and communication technology and its implementation by using mobile-based moodle applications, because in learning there will be active students in order to improve their ability to use information technology, so that teaching materials that emphasize to the approach to the aspects of design, function and user interface with the final results of this mobile learning management system learning model can be accessed.

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