Fauzana Annova, Yasmadi Yasmadi, Yudelnilastia Yudelnilastia


The highness of Islamic has perished by bad attitudes of some Muslims. Islam rahmatan lilalamin will become true, if every Muslim has a good understanding on Islamic way as it told by Quran and Hadits. Since Arabic is the language of Quran and Hadits, author is interested to do some researches related to Applying the concept of islam rahmatan lilalamin through Arabic learning. The aim of this research is to find students’ understanding about the concept of islam rahmatan lilalamin before and after learns Arabic.Research method is quantitative with parcipatory action research, on 97 students. Furthermore, after the initial understanding of student tests on the concept of Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin, then obtained an average value of 72 of the total sample of 97 students. Thus it can be concluded that students have a sufficient understanding of the concept of Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin. However there were 43 students with scores below average and 54 students with scores above average with significantly different interval values,  at intervals 55-80. After following the learning of Arabic, The results obtained an average value of 89 of the total sample of 97 students. Thus it can be concluded that students have a good understanding of the concept of Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin. The student score is at the 85-95 interval

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