Deky Anwar, Ilham Marnola


The purposes of  the study were to determine how the influence of religion and community on the entrepreneurial motivation of youth. The research approach used is quantitative research. The data used in this study are primary data as many as 20 young people as a sample who are members of the hijrah youth community Padang Gantiang Batusangkar. Data obtained by interview technique through questionnaire using Likert scale. Data Analysis uses multiple linear regression by making religion and community as independent variables while entrepreneurial motivation is the dependent variable. The data is then processed with the SPSS program to answer research questions. The results indicated that there is a significant influence between religiosity and entrepreneurial motivation of youth, while community variables do not significantly influence the entrepreneurial motivation of youth. The results of this study explain that to build entrepreneurial motivation for youth, the role of religiosity is needed

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