Nurul Afifah, Diyyan Marneli


This study aims to determine the implementation of Curriculum 2013 and the problems faced by high school teachers of biology / equivalent Rambah. This research has been conducted from April to May 2017. The method used is descriptive by using questionnaire. The results of this study obtained the analysis of questionnaire data with an average percentage of 69,33% with good criteria. The obstacles faced by biology teachers in Rambah in the process of learning in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 are the ability of science and technology of teachers have not all been fulfilled, learning media for the Curriculum 2013 inadequate schools such as the number of slightly not proportional to the number of classes, Complete the material so it is necessary to find additional supporting books and teachers are still using the lecture method (active teacher) rather than giving the opportunity to the students.

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