Safrizal Safrizal


The rapid development and progress of the times became one of the important phenomena of the birth of 21st Century education. This gave a signal that it is time for young people to be equipped with various soft skills to make them as a generation that has an open insight in developing the times. One of the current efforts that can be done in equipping the younger generation, especially in elementary school students, is to utilize the Adiwiyata’s program (School of Environmental Care) as a step to building scientific literacy values that will provide them with an understanding related to content, context, attitude, and the process of how to apply science in everyday life. One of the supporting components of the Adiwiyata’s school that can be used as a step to cultivate literate openness to science is the existence of green houses, living pharmacies, and slogans in the form of scientific images attached along the walls of the school. These components indirectly give effect in the form of knowledge and scientific concepts that can later be applied in everyday life. The scientific literacy aspect resulted from the existence of several adiwiyata components in the form of openness of students' insight into the use of bethadine leaves as first aid for their fallen and bleeding friends. The application implicitly has penetrated the aspects of content literacy, concepts, attitudes, and scientific processes. It can be concluded that the Adiwiyata school is a school with the Environmental Care Program as one of the gateways to instill scientific literacy values in elementary school students.

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