Indra Johari, Niza Syaveny


One of students’ exercises in finishing higher education and getting academic degree is making a scientific work; thesis. In the implementation of final thesis writing, the students found the difficulties that are sourced from individual or known as internal factors. This research is a descriptive research which aimed to describe internal factors of students’ difficulties in final exercise (thesis). Population of the research was the final grade students of English education department of STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung. Sample was determined by using random sampling technique; it was 30 students of English education department of STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung. Questionnaire was used as an instrument in collecting the data. The instrument was checked the validity and reliability and consulted to external validator. The data was analyzed by using simple statistic in calculating the percentage of internal factors of students’ difficulties in final exercise. Based on research finding, it was found that internal factors of students’ difficulties in final exercise ware motivation, self-confidence, and academic ability. 50.62% students’ difficulties sourced from students’ motivation, 51.16% students’ difficulties were on self-confidence, and 56.94% students’ difficulties were on academic ability.

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