Resvi Dewita Sari, Oktri Permata Lani


Marketing communication is a method used by companies to promote and
communicates marketing. Instagram social media is one of the social networking
platforms that is loved by people of all ages and is used as a medium to get various kinds
of information. The focus of research on writing this thesis is how the marketing
communication strategy used by the @pekanbarushoppingmalll. Account is through
instagram media. The purpose of writing this thesis is to explain and analyze the
marketing communication strategy used by @pekanbarushoppingmall accountis through
advertising and sales promotion on instagram media. And to fiend out consumer
responses to the marketing communication strategy carried out by
@pekanbarushoppingmall account. The type of research used is qualitative research with
approach descriptive method the data collection technique in this study used the
interviews, observations and documentation. The theory used in this research is an
integrated marketing communication or IMC. The result of the research have concluded
that strategy used by the @pekanbarushoppingmall account in terms of advertising on
instagram media include setting comunicators, setting targets, compiling messages,
choosing media and channels, and evaluating communication, discount or rebates,
conducting events such as give away, endorsement and reviewing product.

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