The Effect of COD and Pay Later on Consumptive Behavior Mediated by the Lifestyle of UIN Student Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Mirawati Mirawati, Rizal Rizal, Elsa Fitri Amran, chitra Indah Sari, Dony Martias


Background. The facilities provided by the marketplace make the consumptive behavior of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar students very sharp, this is seen in terms of their lifestyle, with the ease of online shopping such as using the COD and Pay Later systems.

Purpose. To see the extent of the consumptive behavior of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar students in online transactions,

Method. The method used is with path analysis, using smartPLS4. Samples are taken based on several criteria.

Results. The results obtained from this study show that COD affects consumptive behavior, later affects consumptive behavior, and lifestyle affects consumptive behavior. COD mediated by lifestyle affects consumptive behavior, and pay later mediated by lifestyle affects consumptive behavior.

Conclusion. All hypotheses presented were answered, all variable X (COD, Pay later) had a significant effect on variable Y (consumptive behavior), and the hypothesis answered that the moderation variable (lifestyle) directly affects variable Y (consumptive behavior).


COD, Pay Later, Lifestyle, Consumptive Behavior

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