Suci Ramadani, Hidayati Fitri, Bustamin Bustamin


The constitutional rights of citizens are protected in Articles 27 to 34, the right to work, the right to freedom of opinion, the right to religion, the right to education, and the right to social welfare. Meanwhile, in the siyasah dusturiyyah, there is an institution that cooperates with the constitutional complaint, namely the al-madzalim institution which is an institution tasked with adjudicating the arbitrariness of the rulers against their people as well as rulers who injure the rights of citizens. Therefore, it is very important to be given the authority in the form of constitutional complaint at the Indonesian Constitutional Court.


Constitutional Complaint; Constitutional Court; Siyasah Dusturiyyah; Human Right.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/jisrah.v3i2.6822


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