Tempat Sampah Pintar Dengan Sistem TrashMoney Menggunakan Teknologi Implementasi Near Field Communication (NFC)

Budi Rahmadya


This study aims to create an automatic garbage disposal device. This garbage disposal can open and close automatically using a PIR sensor that functions as a human presence detector, besides that this garbage disposal can separate waste according to its type using a capacitive proximity sensor and a proximity inductor sensor, this sensor can distinguish paper, plastic and can waste. Every trash that is thrown away will get a point, where the point will be stored in the form of a database. The test results that have been obtained for the PIR sensor test can only detect the presence of humans at a maximum distance of 30 cm. The results obtained from 4 times of testing carried out obtained an average success of 80%. Factors that affect the success of the overall system testing of the 4 tests are the values obtained from the proximity sensor, the position of the object at the time of detection, and the intensity of light that affects the LDR sensor at the time of testing. If the garbage does not hit the sensor correctly, the detection process will be disrupted and cause the garbage to not enter according to its type. With this tool, it is expected to increase public awareness to dispose of waste in its place by giving points and rewards to people who dispose of waste in its place.

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