Sistem Informasi Audit Internal Non-Akademik pada Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI) IAIN Batusangkar dengan Framework CodeIgniter



In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56 of 2016 concerning the Statute of the State Islamic Institute of Batusangkar on the Statute of IAIN Batusangkar, in Section 4 Article 25 that the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) iain Batusangkar is an Institute Organization that carries out the supervisory function of the non-academic field for and on behalf of the Rector. Currently, internal non-academic audit of an activity is carried out by means of units or institutions coming directly to the Room of Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) located on the 2nd floor akama campus 1 IAIN Batusangkar, non-academic internal audit begins by submitting tor to personnel administration to record incoming TOR data, after which the auditor team conducts an audit of the incoming TOR, then the auditor team makes a Review Result Sheet , then the auditor team prints the review sheet. After the review sheet is printed, the auditor team signs the review sheet, if it has been signed by the auditor team and then the review sheet is given to the Head of the Internal Supervision Unit for signature, then the Administrative personnel inform the unit or institution to be able to pick up the Review Sheet to the Internal Supervision Unit room. The review sheet came out within 3 working days.

This research aims to produce a system that can facilitate the internal non-academic audit process in the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI). This type of research is field research where the author gets data directly from the field at iain Batusangkar Internal Surveillance Unit (SPI) and direct interviews from related parties, research libraries (Library Research) by reading books and journals related to the title of research, and labor research (Laboratory Research) by using the help of computers as a tool in the creation of final tasks.

The results of this study showed that the system built can provide convenience in the internal non-academic audit process at iain Batusangkar Internal Audit Unit (SPI) so that it becomes more effective because it can provide more complete and fast information by using the website as a liaison media and processing Internal Supervision Unit.

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