Sistem Pakar Penyakit Ayam Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining.

Amuharnis Amuharnis


The emergence of problems and diseases in this chicken is caused by the negligence of the farmers who are less concerned with the nutrients feed ingredients given to the chickens. The diseases that often infected the laying hens are: Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), Gumboro Disease and Flu. In each of these diseases have almost the same symptoms but require different treatments and actions so many breeders are difficult to identify what diseases are contracting their cattle. Data collection used as material for creating expert system using Forward chaining method is done by interview with the Drug Technical Service (expert in the field of disease management of laying hens). In this stage, consult about the information on any laying chicken disease, the symptoms of laying chicken disease on each symptom which is the level of confidence of the expert in the disease of laying hens. After the interview, it is obtained

information about the disease and symptoms of chicken disease that will be used in the system of expert disease in laying hens.

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