Sistem Informasi Layanan Masyarakat Pada Kantor Wali Nagari Sumani Berbasis Web

Willi Nofrian, Heru Nurdi


The Wali Nagari Sumani office is located in X Koto Singkarak District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra, there is no online-based system for mail services, the method currently used is that people come to the office to complete the requirements for making letters, then give them directly to the staff concerned. , then wait for the mail to finish. In the management of a letter, there are still obstacles, namely the people who come sometimes do not know the requirements for managing the letter, this results in people going back and forth in managing a letter, as well as the distance to the Wali Nagari Sumani office, giving rise to the level of difficulty and delay faced by the community in completing a letter. Next, during the current covid-19 pandemic, the government forbids every community from holding gatherings / crowds to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus, so it is felt that there is a need for a system that can run without having to come to the office to request a letter. make or himself a mass crowd. This problem can be solved by using a service information system, with this information system program it can facilitate the processing of letter data. By utilizing the application program, it is hoped that it can help the process of managing letters at the Sumani wali nagari office.

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