Perancangan Sistem Informasi Nagari Digital Di Nagari Parambahan

Abdurahman Niarman, Wahyu Wahyu


The type of research that the author uses is a type of field research (Field Research), to obtain data from the problems studied. The data collection technique that the author uses is through interviews and documentation. certain and explain through effective sentences.

From the research that the author did and it can be concluded that using computer technology can optimally help the performance of both Nagari Parambah and the community in the process of making cover letters and providing information services that can be accessed online. The design of the Nagari Digital Information System in Nagari Parambah can optimize the process of making cover letters both in terms of economy and efficiency. In the establishment of the new Nagari Digital Information System in Nagari Parambah, it can make it easier for the public to submit a cover letter wherever they are as long as they are connected to the internet without having to come to the office of the Parambahan Nagari Guardian. Every letter submission, letter claim report and information provided will be stored in a database file so that it will facilitate the process of searching for data. Using the Nagari Digital Information System in Nagari Parambahan can make it easier for both the community and the guardian of the Nagari Parambahan in the process of submitting a cover letter, producing a letter submission report and providing information services about Nagari Parambahan that can be accessed online .

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