Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Responding to the Impact of Using Gadgets on Students

Khaerul Khaerul, M. Ali Hafid R


This study aims to determine the actual situation regarding the Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Responding to the Impact of Using Gadgets on Students. This study uses a qualitative approach and, in collecting data, uses observation, interviews, and documentation methods. The steps taken by researchers in analyzing the data are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification, and testing the data's validity. The study's results can be stated that: The Use of gadgets on students has a positive impact, namely increasing knowledge, facilitating communication, facilitating the search for the subject matter and entertainment media. While the negative consequences are anti-social, they pay less attention to lessons and can access harmful content. Efforts made by islamic religion teachers in responding to the impact of using gadgets on students are providing assistance, giving warnings, and confiscating devices. Meanwhile, the efforts made by the school to overcome the effect of using gadgets are calling counselling teachers, calling parents to school and giving suspensions.


Education Teachers, Gadgets, Islamic Religious

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/jeh.v8i1.9417


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