The Concept of Compensation for Land Rights in Land Procurement for Public Interests

Rizky Ramadhan, Sri Winarsi


The need for land for development in the public interest is carried out by acquiring land where most of the land belongs to residents and the community because state land is insufficient for development. As a result, land acquisition for development in the public interest has spread to community-owned land; in fact, the community feels their life and social life are disrupted by land acquisition if the Compensation received by the community is insufficient. If this is not heeded, problems will arise, as we usually read in the mass media, where conflicts occur between the government and the people affected by the land acquisition itself; inevitably, the people will do anything to defend what they believe is their right. With conflicts that never ended between the people and the government, the government decided to issue Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest. The government hopes that issuing this law will expedite infrastructure development for the public interest and protect landowners. This research uses a socio-legal approach because socio-legal is part of interdisciplinary legal research that considers aspects of people's lives such as social, economic, moral, customs, religion, culture, and customs so that socio-legal data solves problems following existing developments in society. In granting Compensation for land acquisition for public purposes, several rights must be considered which are expected to worsen the condition and standard of living of the people whose land was acquired. It should be considered so that their quality of life will improve, and efforts should be made to provide Compensation in a form that does not change the pattern of people's lives by relocating settlements to appropriate locations. Settlements that can be seen as a world unto itself where its citizens determine their identity feel like social beings and are safe.


Compensation, Development, Land Acquisition

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