Correlation Between Techniques and Methods in Memorizing the Quran

Zainal Abidin Muhja, Muthia Mutmainnah, Mustafiyanti Mustafiyanti, Zainal Abidin, Cholid Fadil


Memorizing the Quran is an activity that can increase our piety and closeness to God and is a practice that we will get in Heaven later. There are various ways that can be done to maintain the memorization of the Quran by using appropriate techniques and methods. Techniques and methods are a way that is done to produce something desired, as well as memorizing the Koran requires appropriate techniques and methods so that our memorization is maintained. Memorizing the Quran is not an easy thing, if not accompanied by intention and perseverance in memorizing. Therefore, there are various techniques and methods used by teachers at the Tahfidz Ar-Rifaie Tarakan House in improving the memorization of the students who study there. The research method used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative approach by conducting interviews with teachers, parents and students of the Tahfidz Ar-Rifaie Tarakan House. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between techniques and methods in memorizing the Quran at the Tahfidz Ar-Rifaie Tarakan House. The technique used so that the students' memorization is maintained is by making a list of verses or letters that have been memorized for the students and then given a check mark that they have deposited the verse. The method that is definitely used is the murajah method or repeating the students' memorization. The results of this study indicate that the age of the students at the Tahfidz Ar-Rifaie Tarakan House is different, and the methods and techniques used are also different depending on each student. Facilities and infrastructure in supporting tahfizh activities there are very adequate


Memorizing Quran, Methods, Techniques

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