Assessing Financial Performance Using Operating Cash Flow Ratios: A Study at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.

Atika Amor


This study is aimed at analyzing the cash flow statements used as material for evaluating the financial performance of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. 2017-2021 years. This quantitative research uses financial statements of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk collected through documentary study. The data were analyzed using the ratio analysis of cash flow statements. The research results show the operating cash flow ratio of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk have shown promising results, although there are still 2 ratios that are below number 1, namely the cash flow ratio and the total debt ratio, which means that the company has not been able to fulfill its obligations from operating cash flows that have There is. From the results of the study, it was found that the ratio of operating cash flows (AKO) has an average value of 0.992<1, the ratio of operating cash flows to net income has an average value of 1.88>1, the coverage ratio of cash to current liabilities (CKHL) has the average value is 1.2>1, the ratio of capital expenditure (PM) has an average value of 1.54>1 and the total debt ratio (TH) has an average value of 0.52<1.


Financial Performance, Operating Cash Flow, Statement of Cash Flow

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