Effect of Compensation on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Indohealth Pekanbaru

Rudi Pranata, Syukri Iska, Refika Mastanora


PT. Indohealth is a company engaged in the sports equipment distribution sector, especially selling fitness equipment such as treadmills, elliptical bikes, home gyms and therapy equipment. The background of this research is that giving compensation sometimes creates social jealousy between one employee and another. This is very detrimental to the company because the work result will be ineffective, and the company's turnover will decrease. This research generally aims in general from the research is to determine the effect of Compensation on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Indohealth Pekanbaru. Many factors affect employee job satisfaction, including; compensation and incentive factors. This study uses a quantitative approach to data collection methods of interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The sample collection technique is to use the census method. Based on the results of the t test using the SPSS program, a tcount of 5.623 is obtained, when compared to a ttable value of 2.039, so that tcount > ttable (5.623> 2.039) so that it can be concluded that the compensation affects the variable employee job satisfaction at PT. Indohealth Pekanbaru.


Compensation, Job Satisfaction, Employees

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/jeh.v8i1.8600


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