AN INTRODUCTION TO FIQH ZAKAT: Definition, Normative Basis, and Social Implication

Anita Zonmi Putri, Aldo Yoga Pratama


Abstract: This paper aims to find out the ins and outs of Zakat related to the Meaning, Law, and its implementation. Zakat is one of the fifth pillars of Islam, called Zakat because the assets are issued by its clean allZakat on the property and maintain its growth. The status of Zakat is evident in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet PBUH. With a descriptive analysis approach and a qualitative approach, the authors get the benefits of Zakat in Indonesia, not to mention the maximum, which is excellent potential in suppressing social inequality in society and increasing the productive economy. BecauseZakat is focused on the poor and middle-class people. Not only that, but Zakat also supports the unity and integrity of Muslims in one solid integrity. It is appropriate that Zakat is protected by a clear legal umbrella to run more optimally and effectively as an instrument to reduce poverty and social inequality.



Keywords: Zakat, Definition, Goals and Social Implications


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