Delfi Indra


Program Manajement Implementation Magrib Koran In West Sumatra province. The
purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of Program Management Society
Movement Maghrib Koran in the province of West Sumatra in Jorong Gantiang Nagari Padang
Magek Tanah Datar District of propagation, Jorong Nagari Koto Baru Bukit Kili lemur District of
Solok District and Village Laing Solok District of Cape of Good Hope. The research method I use is
Qualitative data collection techniques (1) Observation, (2) Interview and (3) Study of Documentation.
The data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and inclusion.
The results of this study were (1) Management of the program sunset Koran society movements in the
three regions are very different in practice, it looks at Jorong Gantiang have excellent management,
Jorong Bukit Kili implement the program management has not been as good and Laing Village
management has yet to implement this program as it should, it looks a lack of support from the
town and village governments (2) Activities conducted in community programs dusk chanting
movement is also different in each of these areas, in Jorong Gantiang there are 10 activities performed
by generating a characteristic regions such as customary speech Pasambahan, in Bukit Kili Jorong no
7 Sub Laing activity while only 5 activity. and that (3) The effect that appears to the public is also
different in the three regions, as in Jorong Gantiang communities already praying in congregation
in Mushalla Nurul Hidayah and their home each with their own awareness, while the Mount
Kili community Jorong sunset prayers in congregation in the Masjid Al-Ikhwan and implement
program activities in the dusk Koran, and the Village Laing has not appeared influence on society
The conclusion of this study is necessary active role of all components of society that exist in every
region in the implementation of this Koran dusk society movement, especially in the area being built
in this program. This study also gives the meaning, especially in the province of West Sumatra, so
this program really accomplished in accordance with the expectations of society and government.
Kata Kunci: Manajemen, gerakan masyarakat, maghrib mengaji


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Copyright (c) 2016 Delfi Indra


Al-Fikrah: The Journal of Educational Management
ISSN 2339-0131 (print) | 2549-9106 (online)
Organized by Department of Education Management, Post Graduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies Batusangkar, Indonesia
Published by Department of Education Management - Post Graduate Program
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