Ali Mutasar, Masril Masril, David David, Suswati Hendriani, Wahidah Fitriani


The problem of this thesis related to the emotional intelligence and personality of the headmaster in state of  madrasah at Agam Regency. The purpose of this thesis is to: 1) to know how much the influence of emotional intelligence in the leadership of the headmaster of Madrasah  in Agam regency, 2) to Know how much  the influence of personality of the headmaster of the leadership of Madrasah  in Agam regency, 3) to Know how much the influence of emotional and personality intelligence  in the headmaster of the leadership of Madrasah  in Agam regency.

The research method used descriptive analysis with quantitative approach through the technique of correlation of the data analysis and regression by using parametric statistics. Data was taken by using questionnaire. The population of this reseaerch were MTsN teachers in Agam Regency, the total of  the population is 450 people, with the sample of  this research were 85 teachers.

The results of this research , stated that  two independent variables of emotional intelligence and personality had a significant influence on the leadership of the headmaster of  madrasah in Agam regency. Thus the hypothesis which stated that there is an influence of emotional intelligence on the leadership of the headmaster of madrasah  is accepted. Likewise, the hypothesis that stated there is an influence of personality on the leadership of the headmaster is also accepted. Emotional intelligence and personality  had influence of the leadership of the headmaster in  madrasa at Agam Regency.


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Copyright (c) 2019 Ali Mutasar, Masril Masril, David David, Suswati Hendriani, Wahidah Fitriani

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Al-Fikrah: The Journal of Educational Management
ISSN 2339-0131 (print) | 2549-9106 (online)
Organized by Department of Education Management, Post Graduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies Batusangkar, Indonesia
Published by Department of Education Management - Post Graduate Program
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