Utilization of Whiteboard Animation Application as Video-Based Learning Media

Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Rusijono Rusijono, Andi Mariono


Educators can use the whiteboard animation application as a means to support success in the learning process which is expected to run smoothly and improve learning, one of which is the use of video-based whiteboard animation applications as learning media, but there are still many educators who are less updeate in using the whiteboard animation application. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of utilization of the whiteboard animation application as a video-based learning media. This research uses quantitative methods using survey models and in-depth interviews. The survey used in this research is online-based. The results obtained from this study indicate that students' understanding increases when educators use whiteboard animation applications in learning activities. The conclusion of this study explains that the utilization of the whiteboard animation application is very helpful for teachers in the process of explaining learning material and students understand it more easily so that student achievement increases. Therefore, the limitations in this study, that the research only conducted research on whiteboard animation applications in learning, researchers hope that future researchers can conduct research on whiteboard applications more deeply.


Learning Media, Utilization, Whiteboard Animation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/jaf.v11i2.12080


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