Counselor Personality According to Hamka’s Thoughts

Agung Tri Prasetia, Sufyarma Marsidin, Yeni Karneli


Counselors are professionals that require special skills in the implementation of Guidance and Counseling services. Various approaches can be used to achieve professionalism in Guidance and counseling both psychoanalyst Western psychology approaches, behavioristic, and humanistic that have been known in all corners of the world as well as approaches which have their own peculiarities. A counselor must have insight, knowledge and skills in handing various complex problems in the client's self in guidance and counseling services. A counselor must have a personality that attractive and professional. Hamka is an intellectual and scholar who also speaks about personality and man. In his thoughts HAMKA display 10 form Great personality that can be integrated into a personal counselor, namely: (1) Have the power attractive, (2) Clever, (3) Considerate (Empathy), (4) Courageous, (5) Wise, (6) Good-sighted, (7) Know self, (8) Health body, (9) Wise in talk, (10) Believe self.

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